Murad Acne Complex product issues
(too old to reply)
2006-06-01 08:21:36 UTC
Apparently there are some issues with the Murad Acne Complex acne treatment.
Consumers have complained that the over the counter treatment has caused
various skin problems and does not live up to the products claims. If you go
there is more information on this as well as what can be done about it.
There is a free case evaluation provided for those who may have been
affected by the product. I thought that this might be of interest and hope
it may be of some help.

David Wright
2006-06-02 03:56:01 UTC
Post by kr0
Apparently there are some issues with the Murad Acne Complex acne treatment.
Consumers have complained that the over the counter treatment has caused
various skin problems and does not live up to the products claims. If you go
there is more information on this as well as what can be done about it.
There is a free case evaluation provided for those who may have been
affected by the product. I thought that this might be of interest and hope
it may be of some help.
Apparently, spamming scumbag Kent Ross is still shilling for law firms
on Usenet. It's a pity he hasn't found some more honorable way to
make a buck, like playing piano in a whorehouse.

-- David Wright :: alphabeta at prodigy.net
These are my opinions only, but they're almost always correct.
"If you can't say something nice, then sit next to me."
-- Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Peter Bowditch
2006-06-02 07:15:41 UTC
Post by David Wright
Post by kr0
Apparently there are some issues with the Murad Acne Complex acne treatment.
Consumers have complained that the over the counter treatment has caused
various skin problems and does not live up to the products claims. If you go
there is more information on this as well as what can be done about it.
There is a free case evaluation provided for those who may have been
affected by the product. I thought that this might be of interest and hope
it may be of some help.
Apparently, spamming scumbag Kent Ross is still shilling for law firms
on Usenet. It's a pity he hasn't found some more honorable way to
make a buck, like playing piano in a whorehouse.
Hey!!! Don't compare brothel pianists with things like Kent Ross. Some
of us had to work to pay our way through university.
Peter Bowditch aa #2243
The Millenium Project http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud http://www.acahf.org.au
Australian Skeptics http://www.skeptics.com.au
To email me use my first name only at ratbags.com
David Wright
2006-06-03 03:09:33 UTC
Post by Peter Bowditch
Post by David Wright
Post by kr0
Apparently there are some issues with the Murad Acne Complex acne treatment.
Consumers have complained that the over the counter treatment has caused
various skin problems and does not live up to the products claims. If you go
there is more information on this as well as what can be done about it.
There is a free case evaluation provided for those who may have been
affected by the product. I thought that this might be of interest and hope
it may be of some help.
Apparently, spamming scumbag Kent Ross is still shilling for law firms
on Usenet. It's a pity he hasn't found some more honorable way to
make a buck, like playing piano in a whorehouse.
Hey!!! Don't compare brothel pianists with things like Kent Ross. Some
of us had to work to pay our way through university.
Sorry, no offense intended to brothel pianists. So, how well did the
job pay? Any fringe benefits, if you know what I mean and I think you

-- David Wright :: alphabeta at prodigy.net
These are my opinions only, but they're almost always correct.
"If you can't say something nice, then sit next to me."
-- Alice Roosevelt Longworth
