Do you know the importance of a strong immune system?
(too old to reply)
2004-01-22 06:05:10 UTC
It was just over 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis. At that time I asked the doctors to help me find a natural way to get better. Isn't one was the reply I got. I asked, Why did I get this disease. No one knows, was the reply I got. What can I do? The answer was drugs, one after another after another until finally I was on 5 prescription medications. They were killing me and still not stopping the pain. Finally I started researching for myself and I learned that it's all about nutrition. If you'd be interested in what I take now, because I don't take prescription drugs anymore, then reply to this message.

Susan Dorey
How to get Tons of traffic to your website

MAF Anti-Spam ID: 20040120160406C8z8QnT7
2004-02-08 19:12:39 UTC

Post by SusanDorey
It was just over 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis. At
that time I asked the doctors to help me find a natural way to get better.
Isn't one was the reply I got. I asked, Why did I get this disease. No one
knows, was the reply I got. What can I do? The answer was drugs, one after
another after another until finally I was on 5 prescription medications.
They were killing me and still not stopping the pain. Finally I started
researching for myself and I learned that it's all about nutrition. If
you'd be interested in what I take now, because I don't take prescription
drugs anymore, then reply to this message.
Post by SusanDorey
Susan Dorey
How to get Tons of traffic to your website
MAF Anti-Spam ID: 20040120160406C8z8QnT7
2004-02-29 03:02:47 UTC
Post by SusanDorey
It was just over 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis. At
that time I asked the doctors to help me find a natural way to get better.
And if we take you advice and become crippled and completely disabled we can
SUE you for false claims right? If someone in our family dies from your
medical advice we can SUE you for "wrongful death" as well. I hope you have
good insurance.

